WRAMTA 2020 Lead the Wave: Cancelled

Dear Members and Friends of the Western Region of AMTA,

I regret to inform you that our San Diego conference has been canceled. The health of our membership and the clients we serve is of the utmost importance to all of us and this is the best decision to support that at this time.

I’m sure this leaves you with several questions. The Executive Board of WRAMTA has been diligently working on your behalf for the past several days to gather information about the best way to proceed that supports the health and well- being of our membership. 

Please know:

–       You will receive a 100% refund of all conference registration fees. Thank you for your patience with this process over the next few days.

–       We have already begun the process of creating an opportunity to provide some portion of this conference in an online format. For those who had been scheduled to present in San Diego, we will be in touch with all presenters in the next few days.

We wish to thank our Local Committee Chairs Haley Stead and Marielle Sheppel and all local committee members in San Diego for their significant effort and thoughtful planning of this conference. They have spent hundreds of hours to create a wonderful experience for us in San Diego. Thank you for your service and commitment.

We know there will be many questions going forward. We will answer all of them.  The board continues to work on your behalf as we work to resolve our contract with the Hilton and move forward with supporting our membership. We will have more information forthcoming.

Please continue to be well and take care of your health.

Thank you,


Leanne Wade, Ph.D., MT-BC

President WRAMTA